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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Joker burns down Highschool.

Arson is no joke, even when it's committed by a man dressed as the Joker.
Politicians that blame comic books and videogames for society's ills may have a new real-world example to use in their arguments for getting rid of anything fun. An Irish man was recently caught red-handed burning down his former high school dressed as the Joker. Arson everywhere is soon to be blamed on the existence of Batman.

Christopher Clancy of Clondalkin, Ireland attempted to get into the spirit of the comic book/movie villainy by dressing up as the Joker, pouring gasoline around his high school, and lighting it on fire. When police arrived on the scene they saw a man dressed "in a purple suit, with green hair, a white face and red painted lips," just like the Joker. "He then told us to go around the corner and we would see what he had done," police said. Clancy was upset because he believed the school was "run by hypocrites" and says he "didn't like the way they treated my friends."

Clancy's arson reportedly caused more than $1 million in damages, which is a pretty lame act when it comes to Joker standards. If the Joker was mad at the way a school treated his "friends," he would have just blown up the entire school while everyone was in it, including his friends.


- Entropy.


  1. Hmmm thats a scary thought, but i guess it happens more regularly than we expect

  2. I agree Persuasive Puppy, where WAS Batman? Surely he should be preventing these things?

  3. Are you kidding? Someone dressed as Joker burning down a highschool is SPECTACULARLY funny. I love it.

  4. wow that is pretty priceless.


    Lifehack's guide to a better BJ is out now!

  5. i remember reading this a while ago. scary stuff.

  6. i hate the media blaming video games/movies for these things :(

  7. I came back to say that I don't condone burning down highschools. Certainly don't do it in my name, and tell the police that you got the idea from my blog. That would make me a sad panda. :(

  8. Batman was shooting a movie :PP

  9. looking forward to the next update...

  10. what if some kid dressed as batman came out of nowhere and kicked this kids ass haha

  11. He was a very good actor. Too bad he died so young, because he could have gone even further.

  12. Pretty crazy man.
    I do think it would be fucking awesome if real life had more super heros and villains.
